What’s in My Bag? Crochet Edition!
I was scrolling through Pinterest looking at all kinds of fun blog ideas and came across a ton of lifestyle bloggers doing a “what’s in my bag” post. All these ladies have just about the same thing, some lip gloss, sunglasses, and their wallet, so I figured I could shake things up a bit and share what I lug around all day in my giant crochet bag!
What’s in my Crochet Bag?
- Yarn, Yarn, YARN
I keep all of the colors of yarn I am currently working with in my bag. I always seem to need a color that I left at home or that I have run out of, and my way of fighting that constant battle is to just bring everything! My current project is the Hexagon blanket from the Mollie Makes Crochet Pattern book, which requires 8 different colors of yarn.
- WIPs (Work in progress projects)
Alongside the hexagon blanket, I also have a couple of other orders I am currently working on. I always seem to have a million things going on at once, so it is nice to keep everything in one place. You can see in the picture that I have 2 larger doll bodies started. The girl who does my hair has daughters that love Disney so naturally I am making them some fabulous dolls! I like having multiple projects with me because I am not always in the mood to work on hexagons, just like I am not always in the mood to work on dolls!
- Bags inside bags
Now I could not possibly have a complete bag if I did not have my little pink “essentials” bag with me too! I keep all my little doo dads in this bag that I do not want getting lost at the bottom of my tote. So inside of my pink bag I keep:
- Amigurumi Hook (3.5mm)
- Hexagon Hook (6mm)
- Yarn Needles
- Extra tiny Hook (2.5mm)
- Scissors
Without these items I would not be able to do anything with my copious amounts of yarn. My amigurumi hook is also my favorite hook in the world. It was a gift from my husband and is a one of kind from BQueen Collection (follow them on instagram @bqueencollection).
- Headphones
I have become obsessed with Audio Books over the last 2 years. I love music, but listening to a book feels so much more fulfilling to me. Plus I am a huge reader, so doing audiobooks while I crochet allows me to do 2 things I love at once! I am currently listening to A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backmann, although I normally gravitate towards the YA Fantasy genre. If you need any audiobook recommendations send me a message!
- Idea book
My wonderful little red notebook was another gift from my loving husband, he actually handmade it for me. It is a red leather travelers notebook that can be refilled with 3.5×5.5 little notebooks. I keep sermon notes in here, grocery lists, and most importantly, pattern notes and ideas. It is an easy way for me to keep all my ideas together without putting them in my phone. FUN FACT: your brain remembers things better when you actually write them down versus typing them. It is even more effective if you use cursive, but ain’t nobody got time for that!
- Yarn labels
When I turn my yarn skeins into balls of yarn I like to keep the labels until I am done with the project. This helps me remember exactly which yarn I was using if I run out before I am able to get to the store to buy more. I have more than once come home with the wrong color of cream or the wrong green.
- Not pictured – Granola bar wrappers for days!
I take this bag literally everywhere, whether that be work, church, the mall, or just to have in the car on the way to the grocery store. Naturally then, things start to accumulate at the bottom. I had granola bar wrappers, kroger receipts, and gum wrappers. It is amazing the things you can find when you take the time to clean out your bag.
So what kinds of things do you keep in your everyday bag? Anything quirky and interesting?? Leave a comment below or use the form to contact me!
Don’t forget to follow my Instagram and like my Facebook page to see more about my crochet filled life!